Our Mission

NIAPP promotes the development and advancement of peer professionals and peer-based services in Illinois by:
-Supporting Peer Professionals to advance their careers through membership,
professional development, and training opportunities
-Assisting organizations hiring Peer Professionals to create welcoming, flexible, accessible
accommodations in the workplace

Our Vision

To serve as the Illinois leader for Peer Professional advancement, empowerment, and advocacy.

What We Do

NIAPP increases awareness of the needs of Peer Professionals in the workforce through advocacy, professional development, and community partnership.

Our Goals

To model accessibility practices and professionalism for other organizations.
Bring together a strong, welcoming community of Peer Professionals and supporters.
Highlight the stories of Peer Professionals through advocacy and leadership.
Partner with organizations toward common objectives.

About NAMI Illinois Alliance of

Peer Professionals


The NAMI Illinois Alliance of Peer Professionals was established in June 2019 by NAMI Illinois Board Member, John Fallon, Division of Mental Health Region 1 North CRSS, Virginia Goldrick, and a small group of dedicated recovery support specialists.

On June 12, 2019, John Fallon convened this group to discuss the merits of forming a professional association for peer specialists, most importantly for certified peer specialists. A peer specialist is a mental health worker who is in recovery from a mental health, substance use or co-occurring dual condition. Certified peer specialists in Illinois are required to complete work experience, professional training, and pass a competency exam in the domains of recovery support.

John Fallon facilitated the initial discussion with the hopes, that within a few meetings, they could establish a name for the group and organize a structure led by peers working in the field of mental health. At that first meeting, group discussion focused on opportunities and effectiveness of the credential in the helping fields.

The NAMI Illinois Alliance of Peer Professionals, or NIAPP, is one of the first statewide professional associations of peer specialists in the country. By establishing a professional organization for Recovery Support Specialists, we have designed a model for organizing our membership structure grounded in the tenets of recovery, and empowering them as employees throughout the State of Illinois.

The first NIAPP Board of Directors were elected: President Tricia Hogan, Treasurer Brad Rosner, Secretary Becky Brasfield, Membership Chair Pooja Nagpal and Publicity Chair Marci Brandt. Since then, the Board and membership has grown. The Board of Directors has had the pleasure of the collaboration and leadership assistance of John Fallon, NAMI Illinois Vice President and long-time NAMI Illinois Board Member, and Brett Penner, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) recovery advocate, who assist NIAPP in Advisory roles.